Easy Does It
I don't want to rush into anything here.
Anybody watching? No? Okay then.
Two and a half. . . . . .
Fercrissake. I'm such a wuss.
Anybody watching? No? Okay then.
Two and a half. . . . . .
Fercrissake. I'm such a wuss.
3, 4, 5
You needed to count to three to tell us that?!?
Come on. Be brave. You're among friends here.
Erm...and tons of strangers.
Waiting for 3
Welcome back. yes, one day at a time.
Ever the gentleman.
I'll do my best.
I'm picking up speed here. Off the tracks!
Slow down for the curves...
Curves? What cur.....
"Blushes, grins, scratches head with far off gaze."
..6 7 8 9 10
11 12!
Ah. Sesame Street pinball machine, how I love you.
How's the canning going Ms. Jeanne? Got good picadilly? Wish I had some for Thanksgiving. My chutney'll have to do.
Naughty, careless me. Now I'll send it. Please forgive.
GOOD GRIEF - I was just funning you. But wow, since you sent it, I'll just have to make it pronto! (Still got a few weeks - we're fine :D) Thanks so much - I will make it straight away. It looks delicious!
Oh bother - I can't remember if I sent you the chutney or not. Did I? If not, shame on me - my bad. (don't know why but I always wanted to say that, ha ha ha) :)
Yupperoni, you sent it right when you said you would, unlike certain others. My tomatoes died horrible deaths this year, but I haven't got any shortage of apples.
Hi and happy Fall J! Hope all is well and good in your part of the world.
it's a good start!
lol to sesame stree pinballs.
Apart from an overabundance of wet,chilly days, all is well.
So nice to see you here. Sorry I've lost steam again.
no worries. take it easy, enjoy the good things.
Get to da chopper!
Come on! Do it! I'm here!
Kill me!
How do ya like them apples?
Why? Do u fear something?
hello hello hello
come back Jeanne - we miss you.
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