Holy Matrix, Batman!
I was given an article from Science, a review of a book called "Microbial Inhabitants of Humans" by Michael Wilson. Did you know that there are ten times more bacteria colonizing a human than the number of human cells in the body? It knocked my socks off, anyway.
Bacteria are our friends, actually. At least the majority of them.
My socks are on a diplomatic errand. They won't say where they are (and I do believe their claim to diplomatic immunity would hold up in court), but they've made contact with your pants. Here's the situation:
According to my socks, your pants are showing signs of apathy. They seem to be experiencing some kind of existential crisis. When asked for a list of conditions for negotiation, they said that you knew quite well what they wanted, and when, but that it was nothing a pair of socks could possibly understand, and that they'd basically given up hope anyway.
Perhaps if you let them know how much you care. Get down on your (bare) knees. Plead. And do it quickly. My feet are starting to freeze.
Those are, indeed, some powerful bacteria.
Are you sure they weren't the ones holding you hostage?
I was blindfolded during the actual abduction, so I don't know, but I wouldn't put it past them. They are highly adaptable little critters.
My girlfriend is always bafling me with facts like these. She is a science teacher.
This is a particularly baffling fact. It reminds me of a HP Lovecraft story, "The Thing on the Doorstep". Or something like that. It was a man without his skeleton. On the doorstep, that is.
Bonjour ... Le café est-il fermé?
Je m'occupe de travailler.
En effet... mais vie est plus que le travail!
Peut-etre la poésie? J'écris.
All flesh and no skeleton makes jack a wobbly boy.
Wobble, wobble, toil and trobble.
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