The Slugs are Marching One by One
Every evening 'round about dusk we spend a delightful half an hour collecting "Killer" slugs from on and about the potato plants. Unwilling to sink to their level, we carry them down the hill and release them to rejoin the multitudes slithering upwards, wave upon slimy wave, to feast on the forbidden fruit of our labours.
I pay my grandson Hunter a dime a piece for all the snails he can collect in and around my garden. It is worth even more to me... but he doesn't seem to want a raise. Slugs? I let Miss Chickie (my killer chicken) take care of them.
Happy Birthday to your Dad on this Happy big 80! Congratulations :)
These sweeties are up to three inches long and have skin about as tough as an unblown balloon. Practically nothing eats them except as babies. They're threatening the whole of Northern Europe's agriculture since they wandered up here from Spain where they're indiginous.
I remember the small squishy slugs of my childhood with fondness.
Attack the slugs with foul language. It always works. They are quite sensitive.
I see your travels have made a wise man of you. I will berate them this very evening.
3 inches? wusses, those slugs are. the slugs here would eat them for breakfast.
i hear eggshells get rid of them. but your method sounds a lot nicer.
These babies are three inches flacid, five or six in action. And anyway, it ain't the meat...
Of course, I could put one in a damp, padded envelope and send it to you for the furtherment of science.
Try a saucer of beer - they get drunk and can't find their way back home. :)
please do. our slugs look hungry and I'm worried about my cats.
How's the apple squeezing coming along?
Okay, so how is the hard cider coming along?
Are you insninu-insinutat-insinuating someting?
I had Jeanne's piccadilly on the table during the holidays... eat it up, yum! I must tell you just how thrilled we (yes, my Bear adores packages as much or more than I) were to receive your Christmas package. The blueberry soup is put up for a special day, but the kitty salt licorice is nearly gone already. We both can't stay out of it. I adore the calendar - it is perfect. Happy New Year from our house to yours - and thsnk you for the Christmas Cheer. Bless.
My pleasure, and Happy New Year to you two, too.
I'm glad it arrived within the holiday season. I was despicably late sending it.
Happy Valentines Day! All of my Christmas kitty licorice alas is gone. I fear my Bear loved it too much. Even my secret stash is vanished.
I just wanted you to know how much we are enjoying our calendar, now changed to April. It is really neat. xo
Hey girl - WAKE UP.... it's SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Snore, what?
snap out of it!
Okay girlfriend - I know I'm bad, but you are worse... time to post please ;)
I'm waiting for the 1 year aniversary.
Ten days and counting!
Really? Is it but a week until a new post?!
Spooky. I dreamed VIVIDLY about an orange and black cat last night. I'd forgotten I'd left the poem until I just saw your comment now.
Hmmm. Hi.
I should write something. I hope I do.
I'm so fucking jealous too.
Why did I have to come home?
First off, I apologize for the profanity (but not the sentiment) left on my last entry... (too many glasses of wine I think)
Second - what type of new bird at your feeder? I'm excited for you :)
Thirdly - Woo hoo on scoring the chocolate... I never pay any attention to the expired dates - it is a wonder I'm still alive.
You were echoing MY profanity on your blog, as it happens. I was so EXCEEDINGLY jealous of your puffins, I lost control.
Actually, profanity and I walk hand in hand on a daily basis, just not so often on the written page.
Expiration dates are put there to make life exciting.
Looks at spam above... funny the only readable word (for me) is sex. I don't know why I find that funny.
I have slowed down on my addiction to FB - and though my creativity is all but dried up, blogging is beginning to look a bit more like an old friend again.
Oh, and by the way - you certainly ARE anywhere.
ps: excellent Haiku :)
I'm getting used to the disjointed conversations we have. But I miss the good old days, with answers in duffspace, and I am just inches away from reawakening in blogform myself.
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