Work Load
In the early hours of this morning, unable to sleep under the pressure of all my tasks and obligations, I had a lightening and enlightening thought. Rather than seeing everything as mine, my job, my housework, my duties, I let the weight slide off me and onto the things that need doing. The work belongs to them, not to me, and when I am not actively doing any of it I don't have to be burdened. Phew.
Now that is profound. Does it work?
Yes, but it's easy to fall off the wagon.
Good way to reason with procrastination :-]
Love the image you conjured up - plop, plop, plop, sink those thoughts!
In case you'd like another handy mantra, here's one of the best I've ever come across "right here, right now, there's nowhere I need to go, and there's nothing I need to do" (Repeat as necessary - just like shampoo. Although why one would need two shampoos in a row in the normal course of events is beyond me.)
Of course there's always somewhere one needs to go, and something one needs to do, but this is for those times when we really must make that Monkey Mind settle down and get some sleep!
Interesting. Around here they are always preaching ownership. What you are suggesting is like a lease option.
I got two comments for the price of one!
Lists- like carrying a little bit of brain around in your pocket.
My actual battle is with time. I don't want to admit the future exists before I get to it. Therefore, I don't like to plan ahead and organize projects in something the likes of which I do not want to predict and thus contribute to forming. This leaves me with an enormous number of things that need doing NOW. Lists are fine, it's calendars and schedules that bother me.
Worrying is all right, as long as it doesn't happen at 4 a.m..
You are one of the things I am supposed to be doing. I'm pathetic. Those poems WILL show up one of these days.
That mantra is like airplane travel. Once in the air, all control is out of one's hands.
Even leasing is too possesive. I like to have a relationship with my environment.
Time is a stubborn old cow, who refuses to budge for anyone.
That is all
How's it going Jeanne? Still got your head above water?
Blub blub blub blub.
If I could just find my magic clover kit, I would prove you wrong. Now where did I put it? I am such a slob.
That weight you've been feeling the last few days has been me on the end of the rope. I've caught my breathe now. I expect I can keep afloat a bit on my own now.
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