About time to give myself a good talking to
Hey! Me! Come here! Yes, right here. To this blog. My blog. I can try writing something where I belong for a change, can't I? I mean, who do I think I am, exactly? Roaming the internet, cluttering comment pages, imposing on the hospitality of others and elaborating on or challenging their ideas whether they like it or not? And it's not exactly sweet nothings I whisper, either. Talk about know-it-all, demanding, depressing nothings. I mean, LIGHTEN UP. Hey! Take my hands off those keys! I'd appreciate it if I'd at least look like I was taking this seriously. And what makes me think they're interested in what I have to say? They have minds and lives of their own, and they were doing quite well before I came along. Boring? I think it's boring on my own blog? Lonely? Well, well, well. Who's fault is that? Write something interesting for a change, I mean, really interesting, and if that doesn't help, then I'll feel sorry for me.